Mailing Vouchers: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis on Rubella Antibody Testing and Vaccination

共同研究者: 佐々木周作(大阪大学)・ 大竹文雄(大阪大学)


This study examines the effectiveness of mailing vouchers for the rubella immunization program against rubella in Japan using local administrative data and nationwide online survey data. To raise the rubella antibody prevalence among men in their 40–50s, and thus achieve herd immunity, Japanese government has launched the rubella immunization program intended for 40-to-57-year-old men and sent vouchers for free testing and vaccination through local governments since FY2019. Local governments have sent vouchers to eligible men over progressively over at least two years. During FY2019, local governments sent vouchers to men aged 40–46 years, while men aged 47–57 years had to apply to their local government to receive vouchers. We estimate the effect of mailing vouchers in a regression discontinuity design that took advantage of the fact that age determined the mailing target in FY2019. The results with both data show that mailing vouchers increased the take-up of antibody testing and vaccination by around 19 and 5 percentage points, respectively. Sending vouchers increases awareness of the rubella immunization program by 37.2 percentage points, suggesting that the mailing of vouchers improves awareness of this program and increase antibody testing and vaccination take-up.


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