Charity Fraud: An Experimental Study of the Moral Hazard Problem in the Charity Market

Joint with Youngrok Kim (University of Hyogo)

Tax-Price Elasticities of Charitable Giving and Selection of Declaration: Panel Study of South Korea

Joint with Tsuyoshi Goto (Chiba University), Youngrok Kim (University of Hyogo)

Rebate versus Matching, Again: Does Self-Selection Matter?

Joint with Shusaku Sasaki (Osaka University), Takunori Ishihara (Kyoto University of Advanced Science)

Does Working from Home Increase Job Change?

『検証・コロナ期日本の働き方-意識・行動変化と雇用政策の課題(樋口美雄・労働政策研究研修機構編)』, 慶応義塾大学出版会, 2023. [Japanese] [Book information (Japanese)]

Joint with Fumio Ohtake (Osaka University)

Adding Nudge-based Reminders to Monetary Incentives for Promoting Rubella Antibody Testing and Vaccination

Joint with Shusaku Sasaki (Osaka University), Fumio Ohtake (Osaka University)

Mailing Vouchers: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis on Rubella Antibody Testing and Vaccination

Joint with Shusaku Sasaki (Osaka University), Fumio Ohtake (Osaka University)

Who Works from Home after First Declaration State of Emergency?

『コロナ禍における個人と企業の変容-働き方・生活・格差と支援策(樋口美雄・労働政策研究研修機構編)』, 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2021. [Japanese] [Book information (Japanese)]

Joint with Fumio Ohtake (Osaka University)

Behavioral Characteristics of Bone Marrow Registrants and Stem Cell Donors

Journal of Behavioral Economics and Finance, 13, pp.32-52, 2020. [Japanese] [Full-text link]

Joint with Fumio Ohtake (Osaka University), Rena Shigeoka (Osaka University), Kazuhiro Yoshiuchi (The University of Tokyo), Yukariko Hida (The University of Tokyo), Saiko Kurosawa (Ina Central Hospital), and Takahiro Fukuda (National Cancer Center Hospital)