Charity Fraud: An Experimental Study of the Moral Hazard Problem in the Charity Market

Tax-Price Elasticities of Charitable Giving and Selection of Reporting: Panel Study of South Korea

Oxford Economic Papers, 2025 [本文リンク]

Rebate versus Matching, Again: Does Self-Selection Matter?


検証・コロナ期日本の働き方-意識・行動変化と雇用政策の課題(樋口美雄・労働政策研究研修機構編), 慶応義塾大学出版会, 2023. [書籍情報]

Adding Nudge-based Reminders to Financial Incentives for Promoting Antibody Testing and Vaccination to Prevent the Spread of Rubella

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2024 [本文リンク]

Mailing Vouchers: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis on Rubella Antibody Testing and Vaccination


コロナ禍における個人と企業の変容-働き方・生活・格差と支援策(樋口美雄・労働政策研究研修機構編), 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2021. [書籍情報]


行動経済学, 13, pp.32-52, 2020. [本文リンク]